Smirnoff van 't Klaterven

A horse to fall in love with!




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Sometimes there are horses you can't walk past. And this eye-catcher is one of those. A feast for the eyes. And besides, a dream to ride. Lots of balance, nicely schooled. And with a great attitude. On the jump, he shows the quick shoulder of his sire Chacoon Blue. And always jumps beautifully in the bascule in the same way. Although only five years old, he has already successfully jumped his first 1m20 courses. And nothing seems to stand in the way of his debut next year in the youngster tour. Although: they will also keep an eye on him overseas. Because his looks, way of moving and perfect jumping manners will not go unnoticed in the USA either.

Evaluation by the auction team

Chacoon Blue Chacco Blue Chambertin
Mom's Contara
Cindina Cartoon
Widina II
On the Rocks van t Klaterven Harley VDL Heartbreaker
Trivial (1.30m) Dominard
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