Rylana vd Drie Linden

A diamond in the rough



dark bay

VAT: 21.00%

You read it right: a diamond in the rough. But one with potential. This mare is still slightly behind. But has the potential to jump a fat class. She is nice and easy to ride. Has a good mouth with sufficient balance. In the course she is well behaved and eager to learn. Only the kilometres you will have to put on the counter yourself. For those looking for a challenge with potential: feel free to put Ryalan at the top of your list of favourites.\r\n

Evaluation by the auction team

Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve Narcos II Fair Play III
Olympia van de Krekebeke Laudanum xx
Racyona Z
Kylana vd Drie Linden Thunder vd Zuuthoeve Argentinus
Jura van st Maarten
Sonka A II Brown Boy
Onka III
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